TPP SystmOne coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance

TPP SystmOne coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance

Please refer to this page for information and advice relating to the outbreak of COVID-19.
This will be regularly updated with news, guidance, and resources as the situation progresses.
Please see the section ‘How to enable these services’ for information on further resources to support implementation of additional functionality.

Business continuty access to SystmOne

Our building is out of use due to the COVID-19 outbreak. How do we continue to use SystmOne?

If a building is out of action and staff are required to move to another location the requirements for continuing use of SystmOne are:

  1. A network enabled PC/laptop with either SystmOne already installed or the ability to download the SystmOne client from the TPP website.
  2. Smartcard reader as required (SystmOne can also be accessed by username and password, these details can be provided by password administrators locally at your practice).
  3. An N3/HSCN connection (can be provided as either a wired N3/HSCN connection, via IP tunnel over internet, SIM card enabled routers, or virtual desktop connectivity etc). Contact your local IT helpdesk for assistance.
  4. Staff log on with usual user name and password/smartcard and PIN and continue seeing their patients as normal.

Many CCGs already support home working with remote access to systems (as above or remote desktop access) to enable home working/working from local community halls etc. Some have laptops already configured available for distribution.

Can staff access SystmOne from home?

Yes, if a staff member is self-isolating, they are able to access SystmOne from home. They can download SystmOne from the TPP website and install it on their home PC or laptop. Access is available through the internet plus N3 tunnel.

What happens if staff are unavailable?

If staff are not available then either:

  1. If appropriate, give another organisation user logons to that practice.
  2. Link an out of action practice to a SystmOne GP Hub (which is another SystmOne unit with shared working enabled) which will be able to access all relevant records.
  3. Access at hub level can be extended to include reporting abilities so that vulnerable populations can be identified for targeted interventions.

Central COVID-19 unit

What support can TPP provide during the COVID-19 outbreak?

An additional SystmOne module can be requested and set up at no cost to CCGs/Trusts etc. These can provide SystmOne access where an existing SystmOne unit is not available e.g. to support COVID-19 assessment pods. Currently, we have set up 25 new COIVID-19 units specifically for “hot hubs.”

This could also be useful where another system used by the organisation has become unavailable as it will facilitate full access to the Airmid platform (see “Airmid” section for this).

SystmOne Functionality

Patient Record Sharing

SystmOne Functionality

Patient Record Sharing

For the few organisations that have not yet enabled the functionality, TPP strongly suggests rolling out and using Enhanced Sharing. Enhanced Sharing supports GDPR data sharing for direct patient care. This makes data accessible between multiple SystmOne organisations that care for the patient.

Shared Hub

The SystmOne Shared Hub provides a network of SystmOne organisations with a separate SystmOne unit allowing clinicians from multiple organisations to view patient information. The solution allows full read/write access to all relevant records.

Access at hub level can be extended to include reporting abilities so that vulnerable populations can be identified for targeted interventions.

Shared Admin

Shared Admin allows separate SystmOne organisations to share a varying degree of administrative and clinical work, including patient records, appointments, rota templates, visits, tasks, recalls, pathology & radiology results and audit trails. This allows staff within one organisation to carry out tasks for different organisations, without the need to log out of one organisation and then into another.

Remote Booking

Remote booking allows an organisation to make their appointment slots (contained within specified rotas) available for neighbouring organisations to book into.

Daily COVID-19 situation report for acute and community

The Daily COVID-19 Situation Report has been developed in line with guidance published on 16/03/2020 by NHS Improvement. This can be found on the NHS Improvement Data Collections portal linked below (login required):

The report is available to any SystmOne organisation with bed management functionality enabled, and allows the extraction of real time patient counts relating to key COVID-19 metrics. Please note that some of the metrics included in the national guidance are not included in TPP’s report, i.e. those relating to staff absences, as this data is not recorded in SystmOne. To run this report for your organisation, navigate to Reporting > Miscellaneous Reports > Daily COVID-19 Situation Report. Please refer to the notice posted on SystmOne for more information about each metric.

Introduction of Electronic Prescription Service functionality into non-GP and one-off nominations

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) has been introduced into non-GP care settings e.g. community services and OOH. This is to support remote consultations and removes the need for patients to collect paper prescriptions from care organisations. It also reduces the time spent printing and delivering FP10 scripts. This rollout is currently on-going and has been enabled for more than 300 non-GP organisations.

TPP is also introducing ‘one-off nomination’ functionality in order to support out of hours working and has integrated with the Directory of Services (DoS) to allow organisations to search for open pharmacies by location. This is currently rolled out for all units that use EPS. TPP has also developed the ability to upgrade prescriptions from FP10 to EPS. This has been designed to allow prescribers working without access to Spine the ability to create prescriptions within SystmOne while another user within the organisation can upgrade these to be sent electronically.

Previously, any drug which was marked as personally administered in the Multilex drug database would default to being marked as personally administered when prescribing and therefore could not be sent via EPS. TPP has created a new organisation preference to allow organisations to determine which should drugs should not be marked as personally administered by default. This is intended to make it easier for prescribers as they do not have remember to untick this option and should encourage more prescriptions to go via EPS.

Incoming 111 messages for COVID-19 outcomes

Incoming 111 messages which have an NHS Pathways outcome relating to COVID-19 will automatically add coded entries and problems to the patient record. The tasks generated for these messages will use new task types to distinguish them from ordinary 111 messages. These codes will also update the summary care record.

Enhanced SCR for all patients who have not explicitly dissented

TPP is ready to execute the bulk upload of SCR additional information for those without explicit consents or dissent recorded. We are awaiting final instruction from NHSX. This will provide an enhanced (Additional Information (AI)) SCR for all patients except those who have a SCR dissent or an explicit consent for SCR core.

Patient Location Contact Tracking

The Patient Location Contact Tracking screen has been introduced for all organisations with inpatient functionality. This report shows you who a patient has shared a location with during an admission. You can choose between showing patients that have shared a site, a building, a ward or a ward area with the selected patient. You can also report on multiple degrees of separation to identify patients who were in contact with someone who was in contact with the target patient, but was not necessarily in direct contact with the target patient.

Airmid: Patient App

TPP has developed a new patient-facing app ‘Airmid’ for iOS and Android platforms. The app has extensive functionality including appointment making, medication ordering, record access, patient data entry and push notifications.

Airmid is now available to download for both Android and Apple platforms. The app includes:

TPP Video Consultations
  • In-built video software
  • Appointment booking for video consultations
  • Functionality for doctors to launch calls directly from SystmOne’s appointment ledger
  • Assurance for the patient that the caller is a clinical professional
  • Recording of consultation details within the SystmOne record

Please note: There is also the ability to send a SystmOne video consultations link without patients having to download Airmid. This link can be sent to a patient via SMS or email. 

Push Notification and Targeted Data Collection
  • Identification of patient cohorts using functionality such as ‘Clinical Reporting’
  • Push notifications can be sent to that cohort in bulk as a list action
  • Data entry templates and questionnaires can be created and pushed to the patient
  • Data entered by the patient can be incorporated into the mainstream clinical record (e.g. for use in clinical decision support).
  • Airmid integrates with Apple HealthKit and Google Fit
EPS Barcodes

Recent prescriptions with EPS barcodes can be displayed in Airmid allowing patients to pick up scripts without going to visit the practice.

Support of eMed3 through SystmOne and Airmid

eMed3 issued by SystmOne can be viewed / downloaded via Airmid. The patient no longer needs to come to the practice to collect it.

  • In-built video software
  • Appointment booking for video consultations
  • Functionality for doctors to launch calls directly from SystmOne’s appointment ledger
  • Assurance for the patient that the caller is a clinical professional
  • Recording of consultation details within the SystmOne record
Launched Airmid Cares

All users now benefit from having a Covid-19 symptom tracking template available.


SystmOne Interoperability with EMIS

SystmOne interoperates with various clinical solutions. Most notably, record access and appointment booking is already achieved with sites that utilise EMIS. This interoperability can be enabled in any SystmOne module and any new module that is set up as part of the COVID—19 response.

Generic FHIR Receive – Emergency Medications 

Where a patient’s registered GP is on SystmOne, if the administration of an emergency medication occurs, an incoming notification from the pharmacist is received by SystmOne. This incoming message creates a document in SystmOne and also adds the structured medication to the patient’s record. This removes the manual necessity for adding the medication to the record.

EPR Core

TPP supplies EPR Core to 47 Acute Trusts. This allows clinicians to view the patient primary care record. Where practices use SystmOne the whole patient record is available; where practices uses EMIS the GP Connect FHIR based HTML record is viewed.

COVID-19 Content


The system has now been updated to support the recent SNOMED CT release for COVID-19. Please see the “PHE Syndromic Surveillance & TPP” section for the full list of these codes.

Resource Library

The Resource Library (System > Resource Library) is available for sharing and downloading content generated by organisations using SystmOne. Some content relating to Covid-19 has already been published and may be of use to you.

As and when NHS bodies advice suppliers to create and publish system-wide content TPP will ensure relevant content is made available to all users and further notices will be published.

Centralised Reporting

How can SystmOne’s centralised reporting assist the response to COVID-19?

SystmOne’s existing functionality supports centralised activity reporting. This can be used to get a morning status report for any coded information recorded in SystmOne in any care environment.

Localities can use the CCG / Trust reporting unit to run reports across an area. This can be used in conjunction with Organisation Groups functionality if you want the reports to focus in on specific organisations. The report will supply information added to the system any time before 17:00 the previous day.

Examples would be – How many COVID-19 codes were recorded in SystmOne in the 24 hours prior to 17:00 yesterday? How many anti-viral prescriptions were recorded in SystmOne in the 24 hours prior to 17:00 yesterday? Etc.

PHE Syndromic Surveillance & TPP

What is TPP’s role in PHE’s Syndromic Surveillance?

TPP transfer an anonymised, aggregated data set on a daily basis to PHE’s real-time syndromic surveillance team (ReSST) from consenting GP practices. This system allows the ReSST team to monitor the number of visits to GPs for known clinical indicators and perform detailed analysis.

There are already well-established indicators for tracking influenza-like illness, upper respiratory tract infections, and pneumonia. The system has now been updated specifically to support the coronavirus pandemic, utilising the recent SNOMED CT release for COVID-19.

For information on the latest codes available to support COVID-19 response, please refer to SystmOne Notices. The results of the ReSST analyses are included in a weekly publication from PHE at

Research Project Support

Which COVID-19 research has TPP supported?

TPP has recently supported a number of new Research studies that are looking into various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic;
Oxford RCGP RSC clinical trials:
UK Biobank:

Shielded Patient List (SPL)

What is TPP’s role in developing the SPL?

TPP have worked with NHS England and NHS Digital to create the SPL in the GP record. This work continues with a cycle of GPES extract, SPL update, GP review and repeat. Over 300,000 high risk flags have been added to patient records. Similar work is ongoing with the Prison Service.

Detailed location information in ADT Messaging

What changes have TPP made to ADT Messaging?

In support of improved interoperability TPP have introduced the ability to configure ADT messages to include more detailed location information from site level down to bed level, where previously ward information was the only location detail provided. This provides Trusts with a robust, real time data feed of bed data that is based on national interoperability specifications.

This can be used to support projects seeking to combine real time data feeds from multiple systems into a Trust-wide dashboard, and will also provide downstream systems with the level of location information required to display the exact location of a patient as set in SystmOne. Configuration of ADT messages to include this additional detail can be requested by contacting the TPP Deployment Team on 0113 20 500 82.

Coded pathology results

What work is TPP conducting in this area?

TPP is working in parternship with NHS Digital and pathology suppliers to create coded pathology results from pre-defined textual strings in incoming pathology messages.. A number of ‘short string codes’ have been agreed, together with some new SNOMED terms to allow the receipt and encoding of COVID-19 pathology results. This will work in the same way as usual pathology messaging. Future work will cover requesting of COVID tests.

Oxygen Prescribing

What updates have been made to oxygen prescribing?

We have updated the daily COVID-19 extracts to allow services who don’t prescribe oxygen on SystmOne to extract data about patients on O2. An additional y code has been provided to allow units to complete their COVID-SITREP reports accurately.

Sharing Changes

Consent Override Functionality

In response to the current unprecedented public health emergency, and having considered the views of the National Data Guardian, ICO and NHSX, TPP has made the decision to reinstate the consent override facility within TPP SystmOne to support direct care, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of those with, or considered to be at risk of, Covid-19 where it is not possible to gain consent. 

Changes to Sharing Consents

TPP has developed a new tool to allow changing of consents by data controllers to facilitate data sharing for COVID-19 purposes. Where consent for record sharing (in and out) has not been applied an organisation option to allow a temporary application of a share in and share out has been enabled.

Release of NHS Pathways v19.3.7 for 111 services

What is included in the new release?

As requested by the NHS Covid-19 Incident Management Team, NHS Pathways have been working to quickly develop the Pathways flows followed by 111 services in response to Covid-19. The most recent release is NHS Pathways v19.3.7. We introduced an expedited release process and made the new version available to services less than a day after the changes were released by NHS Pathways. This release contains a number of changes, such as the introduction of further care advice specific to Covid-19 dispositions and the ability to communicate scene safety information to ambulance crews regarding the risk of encountering Covid-19 when responding to calls. 

Enabling these services

Business Continuity

Usernames and password – Contact Local IT support
Network enabled PC/laptops – Contact Local IT support
Remote N3/HCN connections – Contact Local IT support
COVID-19 unit – Call the TPP Deployment team on 0113 2050082 to request a unit.

SystmOne Functionality

SystmOne installation file –
Patient record sharing – User guide available within SystmOne: Help Menu > Support and FAQ > Documents and training guides >

eDSM Training Guide Non-GP
Enhanced Sharing Training Document V10

Shared Working – User guide available within SystmOne: Help Menu > Support and FAQ > documents and training guides> Shared_Administration functionality guide

– Shared_Hub
– Remote_Booking
– GP Hubs User Guide
– Call the TPP Deployment team on 0113 2050082 to request any units required.


Patient App – User guide available within SystmOne: Help Menu > Support and FAQ > documents and training guides> Airmid SystmOne User Guide v1.8


EMIS interoperability – User guide available within SystmOne: Help Menu > Support and FAQ > documents and training guides> SystmOne-EMIS integration training guide

EPR Core Deployment

For EPR Core, call the TPP Deployment team on 0113 2050082 to request a unit

Centralised Reporting

If a CCG/Trust reporting unit is required, please phone the Deployment team on 0113 2050082.

User guide available within SystmOne: Help Menu > Support and FAQ > documents and training guides> Organisation_Groups