TPP COVID-19 update: release 26th March

TPP Covid-19 update: release 26th March

Over the past few weeks, TPP has focused on ensuring that all of our users are best equipped to deal with the challenge COVID-19 has presented them. With this in mind, our software release of 26/03 is largely dedicated to system enhancements that will assist with the current situation.

A number of these changes have been requested from NHS Digital/England/X directly and others are in response to our user base. We have also launched our new app, Airmid, complete with video consultations and NHS login to support patients and clinicians requiring remote communication.

The changes released later today include;

  • Daily COVID-19 situation report for acute and community trusts
  • Introduction of Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) into community, OOH and Mental Health settings
  • Automatic adding of COVID-19 codes to GP records from incoming 111 messages and promotion to problems.
  • Improvements to shared admin functionality to report across an area more easily
  • Support of eMed3 through SystmOne and Airmid. Improvements to printing this more quickly
  • Go-live with Dorset 111 NHS pathways and update to include COVID-19 functionality
  • Over 300,000 high risk flags added to patients in the governments high risk category
  • Added updated Snomed codes relating to COVID-19
  • Enabled FP10 to EPS conversion – designed for those working remotely
  • Support for enhanced SCR for all patients who have not explicitly dissented
  • Additional information for ADT messaging to notify which wards have had COVID-19 patients
  • In-patient report highlighting which patients have been on a ward with other individuals
  • Development that will enable SystmOne to go internet first in the near future
  • Early release of Airmid UK last week with NHS login, video consults and more developments coming:
    • Clearer flagging of patient entered data
    • Access to Summary Care Record
    • Improvements to video consultation workflow and adding ability to perform video consultations without Airmid account

TPP will continue to do everything it can to support users and patients at this tough time. We will ensure that our work is focused on enabling clinicians to be best placed to deal with the unique situation they are facing.